Sunday Service is at 9:30am
Nursery, Preschool, and School Age Kids ministry are available during the service. Coffee Shop is open before and after the service.
The team from PLBC come to minister to us, including a word from Matthew DelBlanc, President of the College, and Christopher Gregory, one of PLBC’s students. They are sharing from Acts 9: the conversion of Saul; looking at how we can help connect others to their own conversion experiences.
Monday, March 3 at 7pm
Men's Testify! Event
Monday, March 10 at 7pm
Ladies' Jean Event
Friday, April 25 to Sunday, April 27
Sign up coming soon.
Men's Retreat
Friday, June 6 to Sunday, June 8
Sign up coming soon.
Women's Retreat
In our back-to-back “You’ve Heard It Said” summer series, we take aim at bad teaching that has taken root in culture and in the church. In our first round, we look at commonly heard phrases which are either misquotes of Scripture or misattributed to Scripture. In our second round, we look at popular Bible verses that are often taken out of context.