Sunday Service is at 9:30am
Nursery, Preschool, and School Age Kids ministry are available during the service. Coffee Shop is open before and after the service.
“I am with you, always”; some of Jesus’ final words to His disciples before His Ascension. This promise from our Lord is fulfilled because of the Holy Spirit, Whose power and presence is a gift to all believers. Join Pastor Danny Hunt as we open a new series in the Book of Acts and see how the story of the Holy Spirit is both our holy history and our future hope.
Fast the lunch meal and spend that time in prayer. We are encouraging everyone to fast lunch this week as part of our commitment to pray. If you are unable to skip a meal, consider fasting something else (e.g. social media, your phone, etc.) instead.
Join us for prayer on Facebook Live. On the church Facebook group, we will be hosting a live prayer time each night at 7pm.
The Parenting Course is a practical five-session course designed to support parents or care-givers who want to invest in their relationships with their children. Join together with other parents and guardians to hear solid teaching, and have group-based discussion around raising children, crafting a healthy family, and navigating the many challenges faced by parents today.
January 21, 28; February 4, 18, 25
Sunday, January 26
3pm at Sunshine Ridge Baptist Church. Free to attend, drinks provided, bring gear if you have any!
Men's Floor Hockey
Monday, February 3 or Tuesday, February 11 at 7pm.
$20/person, ages 7+
No supplies or experience required.
Painting Classes
Sunday, February 16 at 4pm, join us for dinner and a show! Free to attend. Prepare your kids to share their special talent (Age 3 to Gr. 7).
Family Talent Show
Saturday, February 22 at 10am
Free, Ages 8+
Dance Workshop
In our back-to-back “You’ve Heard It Said” summer series, we take aim at bad teaching that has taken root in culture and in the church. In our first round, we look at commonly heard phrases which are either misquotes of Scripture or misattributed to Scripture. In our second round, we look at popular Bible verses that are often taken out of context.